Maurice - World Famous Inventory - Lorcana Spoiler

Lorcana Glimmer Spoiler

Maurice: World-Famous Inventor Lorcana Spoiler

Another glimmer spoiler by Ravensburger! On April 4th, Ravensburger tweeted, “Brilliant Sapphire glimmers like to use the best tool for the job.”

Card Breakdown

  • Ink - Sapphire (Blue)

  • Resource Cost: 6

  • Keyword(s):

  • Abilities:

    • Give it a try

    • It works!

  • Attack/Power: 2

  • Defense/Toughness: 7

  • Lore Pip: Unkown

Our Thoughts

The introduction of Maurice introduces a new mechanic, “quest,” into the game. What does this mean? No one knows! To speculate what “quest” means, we suspect this will be an alternate win condition. We know that items exist in the game; collecting X items will trigger the “quest” to be completed, thus resulting in winning the game.

Maurice's ability “Give it a try” will synergize with available items such as Magic Mirror. Magic Mirror costs two resources to play. If you have quested with Maurice, the “Give it a try” ability will make Magic Mirror cost zero resources.

Maurice has another ability, “It Works!” which says, “Whenever you play an item, you may draw a card.” Continuing with the example provided earlier, after playing Magic Mirror, the player can draw another card. Drawing cards are potent in most TCGs, and we suspect it will be equally potent in Lorcana. Why does that matter? If completed, a quest is going to be an alternative win condition. The player's goal is to draw as many cards as possible to meet the win condition. Imagine collecting 4/5 cards similar to Yugioh Exzodia win condition.

Lore Pip Prediction

We do not know how many Lore Pips Maurice will be worth or provide. Comparing Maurice World-Famous Inventor, to an existing character, we can guess what it will be.

Maurice's Differences with Aurora

  • Resource Cost: +1

  • Attack/Power: -1

  • Defense/Toughness: +2

  • Keywords/Abilities: Push

Aura is worth two Lore pips. Looking at the differences, the primary differences between the two cards are the resource cost and defense/toughness. Considering card draw is a powerful mechanic, it could drop the number of Lore pips Maurice is worth because of the alternate win condition introduced. We think Maurice Lore Pip's count will be two.

Thank you for your time. We look forward to reviewing the additional spoilers until the release of Chapter One.

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