Magical Reveals: Unraveling the Latest Spoilers

Today promises to be a treasure trove of exciting revelations as we unveil the latest spoilers and tantalizing tidbits that have fans buzzing with anticipation.


Minnie Mouse

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 2 ink

  • Strength- 2

  • Willpower - 3

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - decent starter character to start collecting Lore points for the low resource cost of 2 inks.


  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 1 ink

  • Ability - Remove up to 1 damage from a chosen character

  • Review - Good item to help remove damage from an exerted character early on. It can give a character one more round of questing/challenging before dying.

Hades - Lord of the Underworld

  • Rarity - Rare

  • Resource Cost - 4 ink

  • Strength- 3

  • Willpower - 2

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - Will power and lore quest value is relatively low for a four-ink character. Hades’ ability is powerful to aid in bringing back strong characters from the graveyard. Ideally, target powerful characters.

Heihei - Boat Snack

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 1 ink

  • Strength- 1

  • Willpower - 2

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - very good turn one character to play. Heihei has a strong ability that boosts the strength power of your character by one when it’s quests. Effective for boosting one of your character’s strength to challenge an opponent.

Control Your Temper

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 1 ink

  • Ability - Chosen character gets -2 strength this turn.

  • Review - Decent action to reduce an opponent’s character’s strength by two. An excellent way to banish an opponent's character and not take damage or reduce damage taken.

Mickey Mouse - True Friend

  • Rarity - Uncommon

  • Resource Cost - 3 ink

  • Strength- 3

  • Willpower - 3

  • Quest Lore - 2

  • Review - a 3/3 character that costs three resources that quests for two is solid.


Let It Go

  • Rarity - Rare

  • Resource Cost - 5 ink

  • Review - Potent control card to force an opponent's strongest characters to become ink to slow them down. Items can be used the same turn they are played.


  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 4 ink

  • Strength- 3

  • Willpower - 4

  • Quest Lore - 2

  • Review - slightly low strength for this resource cost. Ideally, you want X/X, where X is the resource cost.

One Jump Ahead

  • Rarity - Uncommon

  • Resource Cost - 2 ink

  • Review - Solid way to ramp up on Inkwell. The good thing about this card is that typically characters can only be inks; songs cannot. But this text overrides the rule as card text overrides rules.

Coconut Basket

  • Rarity - Uncommon

  • Resource Cost - 2 ink

  • Review - a potent two-cost item that can help heal your characters.

Develop Your Brain

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 2 ink

  • Review - card draw for one resource, solid.


  • Rarity - Uncommon

  • Resource Cost - 2 ink

  • Strength- 2

  • Willpower - 2

  • Quest Lore - 2

  • Review - extremely good 2/2 for two resources that quest for two lore.



  • Rarity - Uncommon

  • Resource Cost - 1 ink

  • Strength- 1

  • Willpower - 1

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - A one resource cost character that is 1/1/1 is good, but what sets Pascal aside is that he gains the keyword Evasion if another character is in play.

Micky Mouse - Wayward Sorcerer

  • Rarity - Super Rare

  • Resource Cost - 4 ink

  • Strength- 4

  • Willpower - 4

  • Quest Lore - 2

  • Review - slightly lower attack for a four-cost character. Mickey makes up for the lower attack by having two abilities. Reducing the cost of playing Broom characters is a significant value add. The value is expanded as Broom Characters will not be banished, allowing you to keep playing them.

Magic Broom - Bucket Brigade

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 2 ink

  • Strength- 2

  • Willpower - 2

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - solid two resources 2/2 character that quests for one. Excellent value if you have Mickey Mouse - Wayward Sorcerer.


Simba - Returned King

  • Rarity - Rare

  • Resource Cost - 7 ink

  • Strength- 4

  • Willpower - 6

  • Quest Lore - 2

  • Review - Simba is extremely expensive at seven resources. I expect seven resource characters to have 7/7 strength and Willpower, but his abilities make up for it. Simba gains +4 strength when being challenged, setting his strength to eight. Simba also gains Evasive during his controller’s turn, allowing Simba to challenge opponents’ Evasive characters.

Hercules - True Hero

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 3 ink

  • Strength- 3

  • Willpower - 3

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - solid three-resource cost character with 3/3 strength/willpower that quests for one. Hercules's bodyguard ability can help protect primary lore earners or powerful cards from banishment.

Kristoff - Official Ice Master

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 3 ink

  • Strength- 3

  • Willpower - 3

  • Quest Lore - 2

  • Review - solid three cost 3/3. Kristoff's ability to gain two lore when questing is a bonus.

Frying Pan

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 2 ink

  • Review - Frying Pan’s ability to prevent a character from challenging is good but not great. You are merely slowing down an opponent for one turn. It’s difficult to tell how good Frying Pan will be in a competitive format.

Tinker Bell - Tiny Tactician

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 3 ink

  • Strength- 2

  • Willpower - 4

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - Tinkerbell has a slightly low strength for a 3-resource cost hero, but that is balanced by having one more Willpower you expect at that cost. Tinker Bell also has an excellent ability to allow you to draw a card and discard a card fixing your hand.

We look forward to seeing more spoilers as we get closer to the release of Lorcana!

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