GAMA's Lorcana Spoilers

A Comprehensive Review

Today promises to be a treasure trove of exciting revelations as we unveil the latest spoilers and tantalizing tidbits that have fans buzzing with anticipation.


Mickey Mouse - Musketeer

  • Rarity - Rare

  • Resource Cost - 6 ink

  • Strength- 2

  • Willpower - 7

  • Quest Lore - 2

  • Review - Mickey Mouse Musketeer looks to be a solid late-game character that can buff the Musketeer character’s strength by 1, allowing the owner to help banish an opponent’s characters. Mickey's strength is relatively low for the resource cost. This is made up that Mickey has the keyword “Bodyguard,” which can allow him to banish opponent’s characters with low willpower.


The Beast is Mine

  • Rarity - Uncommon

  • Resource Cost - 3

  • Action - Chosen character gains Reckless during their next turn.

  • Review - Three cost card that prevents an opponent’s character from questing and forcing a challenge. I don’t see this card seeing much play.


Friend On The Other Side

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 3

  • Action/Song - Draw two cards.

  • Review - card drawing is a potent tool in any TCG. Using an existing three-cost character to sing, thus eliminating the resource cost, makes this a solid card in an Amethyst deck.

Maleficent - Sorceress

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 3

  • Strength- 2

  • Willpower - 2

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - As mentioned before, we are big fans of card draw. Coming in at three resources, Maleficent is slightly underpowered, as we would expect to see their strength/willpower to be at 3/3. The weaker stats is compensated with Maleficent drawing a card when she is played—a great card to play early on and ramp up card draw, ultimately ramping inks.

Jafar - Wicked Sorcerer

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 4

  • Strength- 2

  • Willpower - 5

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - Initially looking at Jafar's stats, 2/5 strength/willpower looks low for a four resources-cost character. As noted, we typically want to see X resource cost characters have X/X strength/willpower. The keyword " Challenger " sets Jarfar ahead,” which gives him +3 strength when challenging, effectively making Jafar 5/5.

Dr. Facilier - Charlatan

  • Rarity - Common

  • Resource Cost - 2

  • Strength- 0

  • Willpower - 4

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - Dr. Facilier is similar to Jafar Wicked Sorcerer as the “Challenger” keyword effectively makes Dr. Facilier a 2/4 two resource cost character. The perfect character to challenge an opponent’s characters who are questing and take control of the board state.


Be Our Guest

  • Rarity - Uncommon

  • Resource Cost - 2

  • Action/Song - Look at the top 4 cards of your deck. You may reveal a character card and put it in your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

  • Review - Be Our Guest effectively lets you draw a card for two resources. Be Our Guest is a song allowing the owner to use a character that costs two or more to sing, making Be Our Guest free. A common theme we have mentioned is card draw being a powerful tool to ramp and win games.

Maximus - Relentless Pursuer

  • Rarity - Uncommon

  • Resource Cost - 3

  • Strength- 3

  • Willpower - 3

  • Quest Lore - 1

  • Review - Maximus Relentless Pursuer is a solid three-resource cost character with 3/3 strength/willpower. Everything we expect from a three-resource cost character. Maximus has a very on-play ability that allows the owner to target an opponent’s character and reduce its strength by two.

Ariel - On Human Legs

  • Rarity - 4

  • Resource Cost - Uncommon

  • Strength- 3

  • Willpower - 4

  • Quest Lore - 2

  • Review - Ariel On Human Legs is slightly underpowered, coming at 3/4 strength/willpower for a four-resource cost character. Ariel cannot sing songs, which is an excellent reference to the movie, as Ariel could not talk when she was human, a curse the sea witch gave Ariel. The lower strength is compensated by Ariel’s questing set at two.

We look forward to seeing more spoilers as we get closer to the release of Lorcana!

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